domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

¿Colaboras en ANONYMOUS? Pautas y consejos

"Anonymous is not a group - Anonymous is an Idea"

Good day public, we are Anonymous. Anonymous is not a group. It is not a person. It is an idea. Specifically, it is the idea that all of us deserve freedom. Freedom of thought, of speech, of expression, of knowledge, of belief; the freedom to determine the course and destination of our own lives. If you share this idea, then you are Anonymous.

You have likely heard many things about Anonymous. Some of them are true and some of them are not. We are not hackers. We are not terrorists. We are not violent. We are citizens of the world who bear witness to tyranny, oppression, and censorship. We are activists who seek to change the system and end the cycle of corruption. We seek to create transparency in governments and all institutions of public service. We resist those who seek to violate your rights as a human being.

As a collective of autonomous individuals, we have no leaders who dictate the methods of resistance. Therefore, some of us are indeed hackers, who use our skills to make critical information available to the public. Some of us research news that corporate media ignores or distorts. Some of us organize protests and rallies. We are your neighbors. We are your relatives. We are your friends. We are your enemies. We are everyone, & we are no one. None of us are as powerful as all of us.

That you have clicked this video is evidence that you see what we see, that you feel as we feel, that you seek as we seek. As the youth in the Middle East have proved these past few years, Twitter is an effective method of spreading a powerful message. We will use Twitter to spread our message of unity. We will let the people know that they are not alone. Their oppression has not gone unnoticed. Their suffering has not been ignored. To that end, we ask that you join us for Operation Onslaught. On July 30th, we ask that you tweet everyone you know about THE PLAN. In order to reach the attention of as many people as possible, we also ask that you tweet the top one hundred followed people on twitter.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We are united by one, Divided by zero.
Expect Us.

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